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Learning and Technology Theories Presentation

This week in our EDU 210 class at the University of Alberta we were given the option to check out 3 different presentation apps. After taking a closer look at all three of them I choose to use Emaze. Emaze is a website where you are able to create powerpoint presentations in more of a dynamic way then the original method most of us grew up using. The site allows for many different templates that are both 2D and 3D, each one of which is able to be previewed before starting your project. The site offers many different video tutorials to help aid in first time users figuring out how to create a presentation. I would recommend watching them first if it’s your first time making a presentation, but it is very straight forward so I foresee no issues for anyone using this application. I have embedded a few of the tutorials into my page because I would highly recommend this site to colleges or students of mine. This way others may get a feel for what the website offers before they dive in to far and decide they would like to use a different application. Everyone does work in different ways so other options may be better suited for others. Definitely check out Emaze if you are looking for a powerpoint app, it is dynamic, easy to use and grabs the audiences attention. 


I decided to create a presentation about Behaviourism. I chose to use this theory because I feel this is how I learn the best. During my study habbits, or even athletic training using repitition was one of the best ways for grasping new skills. I hope that you find my presentation informative and more entertaining than just reading a text book. You can find my presentation embedded in the bottom of the page, or if that is not connecting you may follow this link below to a new window. Thanks for checking out my presentation. I always welcome feedback so feel free to tell me what you think in the contact section! 

New window link: 

Image from Wix site builder

Tutorial Videos to help set up your own presentation:

My Presentation: 

I'm hungry for knowledge. The whole thing is to learn every day, to get brighter and brighter. That's what this world is about. You look at someone like Gandhi, and he glowed. Martin Luther King glowed. Muhammad Ali glows. I think that's from being bright all the time, and trying to be brighter. - Jay-Z


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