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Learning Managment System

My CLassroom

This week in our EDU 210 class we learned about Learning Managment Systems. As teachers we will have the on going struggle of having assignments late, not handed in, or not remembering the due date. With how technology evolved the world has become, even the classroom is moving into the internet world as well. By creating a Google classroom we can help Elevate some of these issues, or help facilitate the process for less classroom discrepancy over assignments. Google classroom allows for the teacher to create a page (blog like) space where every single assignment can be posted with the date it is due, and also the exact questions and description of what is required. Now students and parents will have a calendar that is automatically updated with the students assignments, showing everything required for completing it on time, and to the standards of the rubric. This is a great tool for everyone involved because it allows for all three parties to be involved in the students learning, and understand the dates, assignments, and even interact with the teacher in an out of school setting. No more losing the paper on the way to school or having a dog eat the question at home, it will all be in our classroom… our Google Classroom!

Class Code: 3aqjb4

1. go to:    


2. Add code: 3aqjb4 to join the classroom and look around

Instructions to enter

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