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Personal Learning Network

I decided to go with Twitter as my PLN choice. My reasoning for going this route is because I already have an account that is used for my hockey instructing and networking already. Because I have already started networking I felt that this was an easy way to expand my personal learning network even further. By being able to access the top educational minds on twitter my goal is to learn from their ideas so one day I may provide the greatest learning enviorment for my students to achieve success. Being able to interact with my students away from a school setting allows for relationships with the individual to grow. I will also be able to share class information for the upcoming sessions so they have reminders and have easy access for help outside of class time. My account is @beanbagbeltz . The name gets its origin from my playing days and both Beanbag and Beltz were nicknames I was always refered to as. Even my students at Mount Carmel School will reffer to me by my nickname which is why I decided to go with the handle. Hopefully it makes a couple people who first read it laugh too. If the link above does not work I have also linked it in the footer as well.

Twitter Handle: @beanbagbeltz

Image from

"Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can, there will always come a time you will be greatful you did." - Sarah Caldwell

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