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Copyright and Intellectual Property

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For this module we were asked to create a poster so that our students may have a resource that they can follow if they are in need of citations. I choose to use because I felt it was super easy to navigate, and it allowed me to create a poster with-out to much grief. The model this site uses for creating e-posters is a great choice for beginners or who are not that tech savvy because everything is plug and play, you don't need to be able to write code to use this site. I liked all the options we were given for creating our poster, but would suggest using if you are someone with little experience, and LucidPress for someone more tech advanced / looking for a more professional look. 


I choose to do my poster on elementary APA style citation. With the internet becoming so prominent in our lives the problem of plagiarism is growing rapidly. You can basically click on anything, save it, and re-use it for personal use. It is important that as a future teacher I give ample amount of resources for my students, so they may know the right way to use work that is not their own. With my poster I decided to create examples of the different ways to use APA style, but I did so in a more advanced way than students will be asked to do. My reasoning for doing this is to show how important citations will get as they get older and are asked to do more research work. By getting my students to be aware of what to look for when they use other peoples work they will start to create good habits that hopefully stick with them for the rest of their life. 

Useful Resources

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